Opiniones de Viajeros

Luciane Oliveira / Brazil ★★★★
I have done 3 hikes over 3 days with this company: Larano to Boca do Risco, Arieiro to Pico Ruivo and Queimadas to Caldeirão Verde. I had a very positive experience with their costumer service . They are extremely responsive through Whatsapp which is a diferentiator compared to other companies. That allows you to check the weather and book your tour the night before which is very convenient. They picked me up in Machico punctually everyday at the arranged place. All guides were very knowledgeable. I am Brazilian so I can speak Portuguese, but we had a large mixed of nationalities in our groups and the guides were able to speak and even describe names of plants in several different languages (French, Dutch, German). I have done hikes all around the world and their knowledge truly caught my attention, as well as their concern with safety. We have done the Peaks hike with the mountain guide under heavy rain and I lost count of how many times he asked people to go down very carefully as the rocks were slippery. The same happened with the other guide, particularly when going through tight tunnels. Also, there was a girl in our group at the Peaks which was totally unprepared for a change in weather. The guide borrowed her a rain coat and a warmer layer he was carrying in his bag. 
The price is cheaper if you book directly through their website and it is a fair price which includes pick-up. Overall, I was very satisfied with their service and that’s why I chose them other 2x after my first experience at Larano.

Anika Zlateva / България ★★★★
The guide was a superb, knowledgeable and flexible- taking into account the weather conditions and the customers’ preferences and abilities. She showed us a lot of beautiful places and is a really good driver! I felt safe and cherished in her tour. Everything went seemlessly and was really enjoyable and didn’t feel hurried. Recommending the tour to all who visit Madeira, especially to those who don’t want to do much walking but still see a lot.

Josh H / Portugal ★★★★✩
It does have challenging elements but certainly doable and the views you are provided with are spectacular. Great hike all round.

CmfMartins / Portugal ★★★★
Levada 25 Fontes, um dia fantástico. Tudo perfeito, adorei a caminhada. Agradeço ao Feeling Madeira pela simpatia e pela sugestão. Recomendo.

Mariana Peixe / Portugal ★★★★
Foi simplesmente maravilhoso! O Guia veio buscar-nos ao hotel as 09h cheio de energia e alegria, fizemos a levada das 25 Fontes. O percurso é tão bonito que não tenho palavras para descrever. Recomendo!

Isabelle Lück / Deutschland ★★★★
Fantastic tour around Madeira's East. The guide really went out of his way to adjust to unforeseen circumstances and is a safe driver and knowledgeable guide. We had brilliant weather and I really enjoyed the Levada and local food. We needed more time on the island to try all the other tours.

Tiffany Watson / United Kingdom ★★★★✩
The guide was a wonderful host and guide, full of enthusiasm for our questions and a fountain of knowledge on the flora and fauna. Lovely East tour and great 25 fountain lavada tour. Quite a popular tour so busy en route. I would choose a less popular route next time, nevertheless a good time had by all.

Heguk / Schweiz ★★★★
Eine insel für naturliebhaber mit massenweise wanderwegen und wunderschönen aussichten. man sollte allerdingsein klein wenig fitness mitbringen da es sehr viel auf und ab geht. einfach lohnenswert."

Láng J / Magyarország ★★★★
Fantasztikus élmény volt a canyoning túra. A csapat profi, a srácok kedvesek voltak és viccesek, mindenkinek tudom őket ajánlani!

Jorge Gago / España ★★★★
Vimos ballenas piloto, delfines e incluso una tortuga. Las ballenas desde muy cerca. La mejor excursión de este tipo que he hecho. El personal muy amable.

Giovanni / Italia ★★★★ 
Ci siamo stati in agosto, qui il clima non è esattamente come quello che si può provare sulla costa a sud-est, è molto meno regolare e spesso e volentieri piove o ci si può trovare immersi in una fitta nebbia. La natura di questo posto è immensamente bella, potente, lussurreggiante, il cammino è a tratti impervio e verso la cascata, al termine del cammino di sovente capita di dover far spazio ad altri camminanti che si incrociano sul tracciato e che vanno in direzione opposta alla vostra. Occorre preparsi bene ed equipaggiarsi bene per poter affrontare quest'avventura, fermarsi a riposare ongi tanto anche solo per ammirare le gole sottostanti o le cascate che si incrociano sul percorso, il cammino è lungo ma ne vale assolutamente la pena; si dice che questa sia la levada più bella di Madeira ma avrei voluto avere più tempo per esplorare anche le altre innumerevoli levadas. Questa è l'isola perfetta per gli amanti della natura tutta, l'isola dove ci si può godere il mare e la montagna allo stesso tempo senza dover fare grandi spostamenti.

Wandergeselle / Deutschland ★★★★✩
Diese herrliche und abwechlungsreiche Levadawanderung führt in das Tal der Ribeira de São Roque. Durch wilde Natur geht es entlang der Levada bis zu deren Quelle. Ein muss für jeden Madeira Liebhaber.

Flora Wanderlust / Schweiz ★★★★
Thank you for this great experience. We had a lot of fun, even tough it was a rainy and foggy day. The guids are funny and very professional. We felt very safe and the beginners tour is not boring at all. But we are looking forward to the next level.

Tenor / United Kingdom ★★★★
Formed from volcanic lava streams these caves give a fascinating insight into the formation of Madeira. A guided tour includes the walk through the tubes for which waterproof clothing is recommended as there is constant water dripping. This is accompanied by an interactive exhibition, a video about Madeira and then an interesting trip to the centre of the earth, via a 'lift', leading to a 3D film.
A gift shop finishes the experience. Well worth a visit.

Alano / United Kingdom ★★★★
I have been met at airports innumerable times for work and several times a year on holiday. This was the best such reception I have had. Our driver was timely, visible, courteous, helpful and informative, the drive was exceptionally comfortable, while the sleek, sheak, modern car had other hotel guests wondering who was arriving. Yes, it was me! Such good value too.

Stelar Jo / United Kingdom ★★★★
Went on the East Tour yesterday. Picked up on time with 8 sharing mini bus. The guide was excellent a font of local information and a great sense of humour. Stops all very interesting and nicely spaced out. Second time here beautiful island with so friendly people. Will be booking another tour for a couple of days time. Thanks again!

Nadine Wallsall / United Kingdom ★★★★

It was a toss up between the East and West tours, in the end we plumped for the West tour as the kids really wanted to swim in the natural pools at Porto Moniz. We had a very enjoyable day. Our guide, was very entertaining, telling us plenty about the places we were visiting, interspersed with anecdotes about life on Madeira. It was cloudy in the mountains so we didn't get the views, but the guide always had Plan B so we didn't feel we had missed out on anything.

Olivier Veil / France ★★★★
Belle balade en catamaran le matin. Nous avons eu la chance d'apercevoir des geysers de baleines (4/5 cachalots) mais le temps de s'y approcher, elles avaient déjà plongées...
Mais nous avons vu un groupe de dauphins (3/4 dauphins) dont un seul s'est rapproché du bateau en tournoyant tout autour : c'était magique ! Seul petit bémol, le capitaine ne peut rester plus de 10 min sur le "spot" car ce sont des animaux sauvages et protégés (normal). Pour conclure : un moment inoubliable pour un prix imbattable!

Steve and Sophie / United Kingdom ★★★★
We had a wonderful day full of adventures. We saw many interesting places off-road as well. Special thanks to our guide Nuno V. who was a real professional, funny and friendly. He provided us with lots of useful information.

Hans Hazzet / Sverige ★★★★

Vi vann en halvdagstur och hade ingen riktig aning om med vem och vart men blev punktligt upphämtade av Umberto som berättade att vi skulle åka upp till Nunnornas dal med stopp på vägen vid en liten bar och att det skulle bli lite off-road.
Vi blev inte besvikna! Umberto är extremt trevlig, otroligt kunnig och rolig. Dessutom en duktig off-road förare. Det blev rätt mycket av den varan.
En helt igenom fantastisk upplevelse med spektakulära vyer.

Skybark / Deutschland ★★★★

Ein absolutes Muss auf Madeira! Die Angestellten waren super freundlich und nachdem wir die erste Delphin Gruppe gesehen hatte ich zuerst die Befürchtung dass es das jetzt war. Weit gefehlt! Jetzt ging es erst richtig los! Gruppe um Gruppe an Tieren wurde gesucht, und als wir uns auf den Rückweg machten hatten wir 7 (!) Gruppen Delfine und eine große Gruppe Pilot Wale gesehen. Auf halber Strecke hielt der Kapitän plötzlich an und deutete nach rechts, wo sich eine große Meeresschildkröte auf den Wellen sonnte.
Der zweite Guide erklärte uns während der vielen Sichtungen genau das Verhalten der Tiere und war für jede Frage offen.
Alles in allem ein wunderschönes Erlebnis das man sich auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen sollte.

Sara / España ★★★★
Unos jardines botánicos enormes y llenos de plantas y flores exóticas. No estaba muy lleno de gente y por lo tanto lo pudimos visitar muy bien y tranquilos. La única pena fue que no pudimos ver a los pavos reales, por el resto, es un sitio muy bonito que merece la pena visitar.